The Fourstar Galaxy Evolution Survey (ZFOURGE): Ultraviolet to Far-Infrared Catalogs, Medium-Bandwidth Photometric Redshifts with Improved Accuracy, Stellar Masses, and Confirmation of Quiescent Galaxies to z~3.5
Straatman et al. 2016, Astrophysical Journal Supplements
[Summary] [arxiv] [Media] [Animation] [TAMU News Release]

ZFOURGE/CANDELS: On the Evolution of M* Galaxy Progenitors from z = 3 to 0.5
Papovich et al. 2015, Astrophysical Journal
[Summary] [ADS] [astro-ph] [TAMU Press Release] [STScI Press Release]
Exploring the z=3-4 massive galaxy population with ZFOURGE: the prevalence of dusty and quiescent galaxies
Spitler et al. 2014, Astrophysical Journal Letters
[Summary] [astro-ph] [ADS] [Summary Image]
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